Experiencing India through WST 20 people, 20 attachments, traversing through 9 states covering more than 20,000 kilometres, and all in 47 days! Yes, it was that very Bharat Darshan or Winter Study Tour (WST) that every civil services aspirant (including me) dreamt about during preparation days. It was indeed a peep into the diverse, chaotic and incredibly beautiful country that India is. This magnificent journey gave way too many experiences, lessons and stories to be summarised in a 1500 words write up! but I will attempt to reflect upon some of my major takeaways from each attachment. The journey and the Attachments! At army attachment , the discipline of soldiers and their sense of pride in their service, uniform and the nation was something I was the most impressed with. Initially I was happy about the ‘digital detox ’ in absence of any mobile, TV or internet network; but by the end of the week, I started getting weary about the whereabouts of my family a...
From an amateur writer's pen into a civil servant's diary.
- Garima Agrawal
Indian Administrative Service (IAS), 2019